Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Flood Warning

Look at your pant bottoms. Are they breaking more than once?

If so, take them to your tailor and have them shortened for a more put together and professional look. The days of the full/double and even triple break have been archived and placed on hold. Now in the mix is the small or sometimes miniscule break from grandpa's closet. Accept it, his generation knew how to look appropriate.

The same idea applies to your jacket sleeves. If you find your shirt sleeves aren't showing when you have a coat on, those things need to be shortened. If your coat sleeves go anywhere past the break in your wrist (where your thumb meets your forearm) you are wearing sleeves too long for your own good. While we're on the topic, your shirt sleeves are probably too long for you too. When they are buttoned, the shouldnt go any further than 1/2" past the break in your wrist.

Use the break of your wrist as the factor in tailoring your jackets and shirt sleeves. Jackets should be at or above (see: closer to your elbow) the break, and shirt sleeves should be at or below (see: closer to your thumb) the break.

Follow these rules and you're 3 steps closer to being presentable.

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